Tips To Handle A Lengthy Renovation

Tips to handle a lengthy renovation - Awan Properties

Homeowners embarking on home renovation projects understand that a certain measure of upheaval is to be expected, but some may not fully anticipate the impact that renovations have on daily life. The following are some tips to handle a lengthy renovation

Tips To Handle A Lengthy Renovation

  • Discuss the timeline with contractors
  • Start at the right time
  • Recreate commonly used spaces elsewhere.
  • Pack up and cover
  • Adjust your schedule
  • Ease up on cleaning standards

Discuss the timeline with contractors.

It may be easier to make a plan for how much life will be disrupted if you have an idea of how long the renovation will be (if everything goes according to plan). Sit down with contractors and have them spell out the minutiae of the project so you’ll be able to anticipate what’s going on day-to-day.

Start at the right time.

Some contractors may say they can fit your project into their schedules in between other jobs. While this may seem convenient and timely, your work may be put on hold if there are delays with the other job or jobs. Instead, it may be better to hold off until the contractors can devote the bulk of their attention to your renovation.

Recreate commonly used spaces elsewhere.

A kitchen or a bathroom remodel often requires giving up spaces that are used throughout a typical day. Unless you have a spare full bathroom or kitchen, you’ll need to make due. Set a microwave, tabletop electric burner, and a coffee pot on a folding table in the garage or utility room. Rent or purchase a small refrigerator where you can store a few necessities. Ask your contractor to set up a makeshift outdoor shower so you have a place to get clean when the bathroom is under construction.

Pack up and cover

Remodeling one room may cause a trickle-down effect on other areas. Dust from drywall sanding can infiltrate many rooms in the home. Pack and label boxes with items not immediately needed and store them in another area. Cover most things so a film of dust won’t form on them.

Adjust your schedule.

Sleeping in will be a thing of the past for the duration of the renovation, as may be working from a home office. Try to get out of the work zone as much as possible for new scenery and respites from the noises and smells.

Ease up on cleaning standards.

It’s challenging to keep a home clean during a renovation. Relax standards and expect a mess for some time. Explain to guests what they’ll find if they drop by.

Renovations can disrupt life but often are well worth the sacrifices homeowners must make to see them through to completion.

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