DHA Valley Islamabad

DHA Valley Islamabad is neighboring DHA Phase 6 Islamabad and Kallar Syedan Road Rawalpindi. 

DHA Valley launched in August 2008 which was a JV between DHA, Bahria Town & Habib Rafiq initially.

Sizes of Plot vary from 5 Marla and 8 Marla in DHA Valley.

  • Residential: 5 and 8 Marla residential plots are there in DHA Valley. Development of these plots has been initiated.
  • DHA Homes:  5 and 8 Marla of housing units were launched on 18 September 2008. 
  • Overseas Block:  These blocks also comprised 5 and 8 Marla units which were launched on 5 September 2008
  • Commercial Avenue: 4 and 8 Marla Commercial plots of DHA Valley were launched on 1st November 2008. 

Following Sectors are there in DHA Valley, which are as follows

  1. Oleander
  2. BoganVilla
  3. Daffodils
  4. Magnolia
  5. Lilly
  6. Jasmine
  7. Rose
  8. Daisy
  9. Bluebell
  10. Eglantine
  11. Gloxinia 
  12. Iris
  13. Lotus
  14. Marigold
  15. Zinnia
  16. Lavender
  17. Snowdrop

The Project has been under immense trouble since its inception due to not having enough land to accommodate all allottees which count to about 50,000 or so. The land reserved for water supply from Daducha DAM to Rawalpindi was included in this project which is still pending. Such a large number of allotments  proved to be one of the major blunders on part of Defence Housing Authority.

DHA a credible & trustworthy name , continuously delivered on its commitments and hence become most rewarding real estate hotspots in Pakistan. Development of this phase is in full swing these days and DHA administration seems committed to deliver at earliest. DHA Valley will give a major high return on your investment in longer run because of its development and amenities planned as follow

  • DHA will provide basic utilities like Water Supply, Gas Supply,  Electricity, and 24/7 Security at your doorstep
  • Parks and Green areas are proposed to be constructed
  • Carpeted Roads along with footpaths
  • Main Boulevards are developed while streets are under development process
  • Mosques, Grocery Stores, and Schools are also proposed to construct in DHA Valley Islamabad

DHA Valley is accessible from two sides. One is from DHA Phase 6 Islamabad and the other is from Kallar Syedan Road Rawalpindi.

There are two opportunities available for investments in DHA Valley Islamabad.

  • Short Term 
  • Long Term

You should be careful about the type of investment you are making in DHA Valley and consult a reliable consultant for the safest investment.

7th Ballot Plots in lieu of DHA Homes was held in DHA Valley on 19th January, 2023 and 59 plots of 05 and 08 marla were alloted against DHA Homes. Total 562 plots  so far.

Details of the rest of the earlier ballots are as follows

First Ballot – 135
Second Ballot – 190
Third Ballot – 25
Fourth Ballot – 79
Fifth Ballot – 28
Sixth Ballot – 46
Seventh Ballot – 59

DHA homes are almost complete.Earlier there were three options given to allotte 

  1. Retain
  2. Refund with profit (example-23 lac 5 Marla home is available for 21 lac, out of which 2 lac is refunded and 42 lac 8 Marla home is available for 28 lac, out of which 14 lac is refunded)
  3. Plot in lieu of home Rebollot – possession announced – Lilly A, B & Oleander A. 

7th Ballot Plots in lieu of DHA Homes was held in DHA Valley on 19th January 2023, and 59 plots of 05 and 08 marla were allotted against DHA Homes. Total 562 plots so far.

Details of the rest of the earlier ballots are as follows

First Ballot – 135
Second Ballot – 190
Third Ballot – 25
Fourth Ballot – 79
Fifth Ballot – 28
Sixth Ballot – 46
Seventh Ballot – 59

Other Announcement made by DHA Administration at an event of 7th Balloting plot in lieu of DHA Homes on 19 Jan 2023

  1. Commercial activities have been initiated
  2. Possession announced for these 562 balloted plots in lieu of home
  3. Construction of a Double Story has been allowed for 5 Marla DHA Homes.
  4. In order to resolve the water issue Dam announced in Oleander  

Balloting for 5000 Residential non-ballots is announced in Feb 2023 by the DHA administration on the event of 7th Ballot DHA Homes on 19 Jan 2023.


The plots here are available at affordable prices that offer a reasonable investment opportunity for middle income individuals. 

Moreover, The development work has been in ful swing and DHA administration aims to complete in a year or so as communicated by DHA administration on 19 Jan 2023 at event of 7th Ballot Plots in lieu of DHA Homes 

DHA Valley Islamabad Prices

27 April  2023 Update 

DHA Valley Islamabad - Balloting Update - Awan Properties

08 April  2023 Update 

DHA Valley Islamabad - Awan Properties - Ballot Update for affectees of 2008

14 Feb 2023 Update 

DHA Valley Update
DHA Valley Islamabad - Awan Properties

Jan 2023 Update

DHA Valley Islamabad 7th ballot DHA Homes
DHA Valley Islamabad


Awan Properties is one of the Pioneer Real Estate Company in DHA & Bahria Town Islamabad/ Rawalpindi and we are here to guide our valuable clients to take the right decision for Property Investments. We keep you updated with latest property rates and market trends in DHA & Bahria Town Islamabad/ Rawalpindi.


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